#TheReadingQuest Sign Up + TBR

Hello friends! Today I will be discussing my TBR for The Reading Quest challenge.

This reading challenge is hosted by Aentee (Read At Midnight) and runs from the 13th of August to the 10th of September 2017. This challenge sounds fun, and I love An’s challenge because they’re engaging and unique. To find out more, click here to go to her introduction page. Also, any artwork from that post was done by CW, who is an amazing artist! One of her drawings is my phone background – that’s how much I love it. Anyways, moving on to the actual post aha.

So to briefly summarise this challenge, we just have to complete a bingo based on a character. The centre pieces are just extra challenges. By completing a challenge, you earn points (all of this is detailed in An’s original post). Below is the bingo board which looks AMAZING!

Reading Quest Board

I’ve chosen to be a mage, meaning my bingo will be the first column down. Here is my character card:

The Reading Quest card.jpg

And without further ado, here is my TBR for my mage quest:

  1. A book with a one word title: Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi or Vicious by V. E. Schwab – depending on my mood at the time.
  2. A book that contains magic: The Sorcerers of the Wildeeps by Kai Ashante Wilson, I’m not sure if this has any magical elements, so I have A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab as a reserve, just in case.
  3. A book based on mythology: Seven Tears At High Tide by C. B. Lee
  4. A book set in a different world: Our Dark Duet by V. E. Schwab (I know, so much Schwab books ahah)
  5. The first book of a series: Splintered by A. G. Howard – this one might change depending on my mood

Along with these books, I’m hoping to read a few others from the middle section. I don’t think I’ll be able to cover all squares, but I have a book down for each just in case.

And that’s all. My overly-ambitious TBR for this reading challenge. Will you be participating? If so, what books are you excited to read?


12 thoughts on “#TheReadingQuest Sign Up + TBR

  1. The graphics for this challenge are so cute! I wish I could join in, but I have so much school stuff to do. Anyways, yay for all the V.E. Schwab! She is one of my favorite authors ever and I would suggest choosing Vicious for sure. Also, Lady Midnight will fly by. I just finished Lord of Shadows and it broke my heart (in a good way, I swear). Good luck on the challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m definitely going to participate if this reading quest runs next year because it sounds like a ton of fun! I hope you have fun participating, and enjoy all the books that you’ve chosen to read. I really enjoyed both Illuminae and Our Dark Duet! I just stumbled upon your blog, and I’m greatly enjoying its content.

    I’m new to blogging and book reviewing, and I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hii, and welcome to my blog ahah. Thank youuu, and I’m really excited to read both those books!

      As for tips, post consistently (like once or twice a week), engage in other people’s posts and follow other blogs! It’ll help you to make friends and put yourself out there. But of course, don’t be forceful! The way you did it in this comment was perfect! I’ll also check out your blog soon! ☺️💕

      Thank you for reading, and god luck with blogging!

      Liked by 1 person

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